Wednesday 9 December 2009

Seven Deadly Sins

I am a 20 year old Graphic and Communication Design Student at the University of Leeds. I have always had an interest in the visual arts and believe they are really important to people and life. If there were no creativity, life would be grey. I have a passion for photography and although I didn't take it as a subject at A-level (always wished i had) It is probably my favorite discipline. 

I do love drawings/paintings etc but there is something about a photograph that draws me in and evokes emotion.  Is there anything more powerful than a visually impacting photograph that illustrates a poignant message? 
As I said in my last post, I am a sucker for drama.In my first year at Leeds I took a photography module as an elective. We have the option to use lots of photography within particular projects on the course, but I wanted to learn more about the fundamentals of it as a subject, in order to understand the way it works and go off and do my own thing. We were set a project to create a series of photographs which emulate the Seven Deadly Sins in any way we wanted but, "try to think out of the box."
I decided I wanted black and white images with high contrast and high visual drama. The thinking behind my series of photos was that most, if not all sin is carried out by the mouth; saying jealous things, shouting with averice, demanding more, and talking with lust etc. Therefore i decided to photograph only the mouth in a scene that depicts the particular sin in question.

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