Wednesday 9 December 2009

Everybody Love a Drama - part One

High fashion photography cannot fail to make you feel like there is a whole world of glamour out there that you're missing out on. This is probably because of the high drama, high gloss and luxury that it exudes.Tim brett Day for example with his Agent Provocateur and Harvey Nichols advertising campaign creates scenes with high drama. He creates clever compositions, the figures appear to come out from the darkness and entice you in. He dresses the location like a studio in these purposeful compositions.

Mario Testino is another highly celebrated photographer who I  love. His photographs emit power and glamour and "I want to be her....." type emotion.
His work is known as "luxury realism" which is very apt, and what I love most about him. Every shot has an underlying drama and grit all of its own, whether it is the eye line of the subject or the carefully crafted composition, he manages to convince me every time. 

Another Luxury Realist and favorite fashion photographer of mine is Roger Dekker. His subjects are shot in more surreal settings which give each frame a story of its own. I am most partial to his black and white images, with high contra

st and chiaroscuro. He seems to focus on movement in still frames and strong female position making the models almost amazonian and powerful. 

His upclose shots have an unspoken power, almost intimidating.

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